Events round the horse
In the ARBERLAND BAVARIAN FOREST the tradition round the horse dates back a long time.
That is why there are numerous interesting events at which horses and equestrians can proof their abilities. A lot of tension is guaranteed by the ambitioned sportsmen, the majestic horses or the strong harnessed teams.
One of the most famous events is the easter ride Regen of the rural youth organisation in Regen. Many thousands of visitors stand on the side of the streets on Easter Monday and admire the long parade of equestrians through the place.
Other brilliant highlights are the following rides, drives, tournaments and competitions:
- St. Hermann-Ritt in Bischofsmais
- Leonhardfahrt in Regen
- Fuhrleute-Gedächtnisfahrt in Rinchnach
- Georgiritt in Drachselsried
- Orientierungsritt in Poschetsried
- Brauerei-Geschicklichkeitsfahren in Zwiesel
- Pferdeschlittenrennen in Rinchnach
- Zugpferdetreffen Poschetsried
- Reitturnier in Kattersdorf
But you can also admire the magnificent harnessed teams at the numerous festival and church parades in the ARBERLAND BAVARIAN FOREST.
- St. Gunther Fest in Rinchnach
- Regener Pichelsteinerfest mit Zehnerzug
- Grenzlandfest in Zwiesel
- Drachselsrieder Kirwa
- Arnbrucker Heimatfest
- St. Hermann Kirchweih
- Gotthardfest in Kirchberg
- Kirchdorfer Kirwa
- Volksfest in Ruhmannsfelden
- St. Bennofest in Bodenmais
- Heimatfest Patersdorf
- Auerer Kirwa
- Tag der offenen Stalltür - Manus Reiteridyll Arnbruck
- Countryfest der Sportschützen Kollnburg
- Country-Sommerfest auf der Stihl-Ranch in Rinchnach/Ried
You can find more information on the events on the facebook page of the horselovers - Pferdefreunde ARBERLAND.