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Arberland Bayerischer Wald
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Großer Arber


The "Großer Arber" gets with its 1456 m to the climatic forest line as the only summit of the Bavarian-Bohemian border massive. Therefore, the highest mountain in the ARBERLAND is closer to the sky than to the earth.

Depending on the season the Großer Arber is very popular as a hiking and skiing area for the whole family.

The tight side by side of great natural phenomenon makes the ARBERLAND an asset of inestimable value. The Riesloch water falls, different moors, the proglacial lakes with their steep sloping lake walls and the natural finish forest gives this ethnic area its distinctive character.

Not least the summit of the Arber which is free of trees is a peculiarity itself, whose wildlife cannot be found anywhere else in the Bavarian border mountain range. Wide parts of the Arber area were put under protection in 1939 to preserve them in their individuality.

More information on the “king of the Bavarian Forest” can you get here: The Große Arber

Besides the Großer Arber services the most popular and the biggest family skiing area in the Bavarian Forest. If skiing, carving, ski mountaineering, Ski touring or snowboarding – at the Großer Arber everybody finds the perfect slope according to his skills!

Außerdem beherbergt der Große Arber, das beliebteste und größte Familienskigebiet im Bayerischen Wald. Ob Skilaufen, Carven, Skitouren, Skiwandern oder Snowboarden - am Großen Arber findet jeder entsprechend seiner Fähigkeiten die optimale Piste!

Under the following link you get to the ARBER mountain railway!



  • place

    94252 Bayerisch Eisenstein

  • GPS -data

    longitude 13.135944
    latitude 49.112528